Thanks for stopping by! I've thought about starting a blog for some time now, so here it is! I am a single parent, full-time student, bargain hunting, homeschooling mom to a great kid with some unique needs. Oh, and I'm on a weight loss journey too so yeah, I'm on a mission...or several! So I'm calling myself a M.O.M--Mom on a Mission! Hardly ever a dull moment around here, come along for the ride!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Okay, so I'm not so good at keeping this up...

but I'm going to try harder, promise! I swear this last couple weeks, more than once I've said to myself 'you need to update that blog' and have every intention of doing so, and something else comes up. Well it's 6:30 in the morning, my eyes are red and itchy from allergies and I'm waiting for the Claritin to kick in, the house is still quiet, so I'm updating.

I can't even remember what I've posted about recently, so if I repeat myself...ah, who cares, it's MY blog, right, lol!? I do know that I haven't posted about my most recent 'Mission' and that is 'Mission: Organization'. 'The Little' and I spent spring break decluttering and organizing and man does it feel good! I have my room back, it's gone from that place where we dumped everything we didn't know what to do with, covered in clothes neither of us wears, hogged up by a bed no one slept in, to a nice, neat, bright, organized space that includes a nice desk area for me, love it! It's girly and bright and happy and I love sitting in there and having that little bit of 'me' space. We really got a lot done, now I need to find the motivation to keep going with the projects we have left, and then keep it all nice and organized.

On the negative side of spring break, my car ended up in the shop and ended up needing $850 worth of NOT cool! I try NOT to think about that fact that a week off of school and $850 could have been used in so many better ways! But the good news is I'm at a point where I don't think there's anything left to replace on that car (knock wood) so I should be good to go for a good bit.

Only 6 weeks of classes left! I'm not finding myself as happy as a student this semester, and I hope I can shake that. I know it's in part because I'm also taking on 'The Little's' education, as well as dealing with the new diagnosis and resulting therapies/appointments so I'm trying not to beat myself up and just working on finding the balance to get through this (now less than) 6 weeks. I'm taking the summer off, or if anything, maybe taking an online class, and it'll be nice to have no deadlines and be able to do the rest of the things I'd like to around the house, go on day trips with 'The Little', spend lazy days by the pool, and hopefully work on getting my weight loss going again.

I think I've babbled on long enough for the moment, I'm going to try to come post again before the week is out. Happy Spring!