Thanks for stopping by! I've thought about starting a blog for some time now, so here it is! I am a single parent, full-time student, bargain hunting, homeschooling mom to a great kid with some unique needs. Oh, and I'm on a weight loss journey too so yeah, I'm on a mission...or several! So I'm calling myself a M.O.M--Mom on a Mission! Hardly ever a dull moment around here, come along for the ride!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The missions...continued...

So mission number two is regaining control over my weight issue. Anyone who knows me knows I kicked arse and dropped a bunch of weight over the last couple years. In the last few months, due to some outside 'influences' (i.e. bad meds) I managed to completely lose control of my eating, weight, etc. So I'm on a mission to get that under control again, and the first step there was to talk to a therapist because I need to get the emotional thing under control again.

I miss the person I was becoming, full of energy, more confident, in control, etc. I want to be that person again, so I'm on a mission to make it happen!

The rest of the missions...later!

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